DLL-filer som börjar med AVAST Software

aavm4h.dll Avast Asynchronous Virus Monitor (AAVM) aavmrpch.dll Avast AAVM Remote Procedure Call Library
ashbase.dll Avast Basic Functionality Module ashtask.dll Avast Task Handling Module
aswamsi.dll Avast AMSI COM object aswara.dll aswARA
aswaux.dll Avast Auxiliary Library aswbrowser.dll Avast SafeZone Browser Library
aswcmlx.dll CML Library aswcmnbs.dll Common functions
aswcmnis.dll Antivirus independent functions aswcmnos.dll Antivirus HW dependent library
aswcommchannel.dll Communication Channels aswengldr.dll Antivirus engine loader
aswhook.dll Hook Library aswhookx.dll Hook Library
aswip.dll AvastIP Dynamic Link Library aswjsflt.dll Avast Script Blocking filter library
aswproperty.dll Avast Property Storage library aswrawfs64.dll Raw disk access library
aswutil.dll Avast Utility library avastip.dll aswDld Dynamic Link Library
avchrome.dll Avast Chromium Embedded wrapper library base.dll avast! English Basic Module
commchannel.dll Avast Communication Channels commonui.dll Avast Common UI layer library
htmlayout.dll HTMLayout embeddable HTML rendering and layout component instup.dll Avast Antivirus Installer
module_lifetime.dll Avast module lifetime snxhk.dll avast! snxhk
uilangres.dll Avast UILangRes
aavm4h.dll Avast Asynchronous Virus Monitor (AAVM)
aavmrpch.dll Avast AAVM Remote Procedure Call Library
ashbase.dll Avast Basic Functionality Module
ashtask.dll Avast Task Handling Module
aswamsi.dll Avast AMSI COM object
aswara.dll aswARA
aswaux.dll Avast Auxiliary Library
aswbrowser.dll Avast SafeZone Browser Library
aswcmlx.dll CML Library
aswcmnbs.dll Common functions
aswcmnis.dll Antivirus independent functions
aswcmnos.dll Antivirus HW dependent library
aswcommchannel.dll Communication Channels
aswengldr.dll Antivirus engine loader
aswhook.dll Hook Library
aswhookx.dll Hook Library
aswip.dll AvastIP Dynamic Link Library
aswjsflt.dll Avast Script Blocking filter library
aswproperty.dll Avast Property Storage library
aswrawfs64.dll Raw disk access library
aswutil.dll Avast Utility library
avastip.dll aswDld Dynamic Link Library
avchrome.dll Avast Chromium Embedded wrapper library
base.dll avast! English Basic Module
commchannel.dll Avast Communication Channels
commonui.dll Avast Common UI layer library
htmlayout.dll HTMLayout embeddable HTML rendering and layout component
instup.dll Avast Antivirus Installer
module_lifetime.dll Avast module lifetime
snxhk.dll avast! snxhk
uilangres.dll Avast UILangRes