File DLL aziendali
aavm4h.dll | Avast Asynchronous Virus Monitor (AAVM) | aavmrpch.dll | Avast AAVM Remote Procedure Call Library |
ashbase.dll | Avast Basic Functionality Module | ashtask.dll | Avast Task Handling Module |
aswamsi.dll | Avast AMSI COM object | aswara.dll | aswARA |
aswaux.dll | Avast Auxiliary Library | aswbrowser.dll | Avast SafeZone Browser Library |
aswcmlx.dll | CML Library | aswcmnbs.dll | Common functions |
aswcmnis.dll | Antivirus independent functions | aswcmnos.dll | Antivirus HW dependent library |
aswcommchannel.dll | Communication Channels | aswengldr.dll | Antivirus engine loader |
aswhook.dll | Hook Library | aswhookx.dll | Hook Library |
aswip.dll | AvastIP Dynamic Link Library | aswjsflt.dll | Avast Script Blocking filter library |
aswproperty.dll | Avast Property Storage library | aswrawfs64.dll | Raw disk access library |
aswutil.dll | Avast Utility library | avastip.dll | aswDld Dynamic Link Library |
avchrome.dll | Avast Chromium Embedded wrapper library | base.dll | avast! English Basic Module |
commchannel.dll | Avast Communication Channels | commonui.dll | Avast Common UI layer library |
htmlayout.dll | HTMLayout embeddable HTML rendering and layout component | instup.dll | Avast Antivirus Installer |
module_lifetime.dll | Avast module lifetime | snxhk.dll | avast! snxhk |
uilangres.dll | Avast UILangRes |
aavm4h.dll | Avast Asynchronous Virus Monitor (AAVM) |
aavmrpch.dll | Avast AAVM Remote Procedure Call Library |
ashbase.dll | Avast Basic Functionality Module |
ashtask.dll | Avast Task Handling Module |
aswamsi.dll | Avast AMSI COM object |
aswara.dll | aswARA |
aswaux.dll | Avast Auxiliary Library |
aswbrowser.dll | Avast SafeZone Browser Library |
aswcmlx.dll | CML Library |
aswcmnbs.dll | Common functions |
aswcmnis.dll | Antivirus independent functions |
aswcmnos.dll | Antivirus HW dependent library |
aswcommchannel.dll | Communication Channels |
aswengldr.dll | Antivirus engine loader |
aswhook.dll | Hook Library |
aswhookx.dll | Hook Library |
aswip.dll | AvastIP Dynamic Link Library |
aswjsflt.dll | Avast Script Blocking filter library |
aswproperty.dll | Avast Property Storage library |
aswrawfs64.dll | Raw disk access library |
aswutil.dll | Avast Utility library |
avastip.dll | aswDld Dynamic Link Library |
avchrome.dll | Avast Chromium Embedded wrapper library |
base.dll | avast! English Basic Module |
commchannel.dll | Avast Communication Channels |
commonui.dll | Avast Common UI layer library |
htmlayout.dll | HTMLayout embeddable HTML rendering and layout component |
instup.dll | Avast Antivirus Installer |
module_lifetime.dll | Avast module lifetime |
snxhk.dll | avast! snxhk |
uilangres.dll | Avast UILangRes |