Activex Errors
An invalid date was specified for the MaxDate property.
Bad file name or number.
BuddyControl must be a separate control within the same container.
Stop method does not effect AutoPlay property.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
A date was specified that doesn't fall within the MinDate and MaxData properties.
An error occurred in a call to the Windows DTPicker control.
Error closing open video file.
Unable to set property.
Unable to open AVI file.
Unable to play AVI file.
Error trying to stop playing video file.
Expected at least one argument.
File not found.
A value was specified for the MaxDate property that is lower than the current value of MinDate.
An invalid value was specified for the MinDate property.
A value was specified for the MinDate property that is higher than the current value of MaxDate.
Invalid object use.
Invalid procedure call.
Invalid property value.
An invalid date range was specified.
A value was specified for MonthRows that would cause the total number of months (ie. MonthRows * MonthCols) to be greater than 12.
A value was specified for MonthRows or MonthColumns that is not between 1 and 12.
An error occurred in a call to the Windows MonthView control.
An UpDown control cannot be buddied with another UpDown control.
BuddyControl property must be set first.
Can't set Value to NULL when CheckBox property = FALSE.
Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop.
Scroll value is out of range.
Can't set Day property when MultiSelect = True.
Can't set DayOfWeek property when MultiSelect = True.
Can't set MaxSelCount property when MultiSelect = False.
Can't set Month property when MultSelect = True.
Property is read-only.
Property cannot be set at runtime.
Can't set SelEnd property when MultiSelect = False.
Can't set SelStart property when MultiSelect = False.
Can't Set Week property when MultiSelect = True.
Can't set Year property when MultiSelect = True.
Must open AVI file first.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.
Invalid object.
Circular object referencing is not allowed.
When the ListView control's View property is set to 3 (Report), the left-most column (column 1) can only be left aligned. Any attempt to set the alignment to another value will result in this error.
Control's collection has been modified.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
Element not found.
This item's control has been deleted.
Expected at least one argument.
Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData
Property is write-only.
ImageList cannot be modified while another control is bound to it.
ImageList must be initialized before it can be used.
Index out of bounds.
Invalid key.
Invalid object use.
Invalid picture.
Invalid procedure call.
Invalid property value.
A value has been assigned to a property, that is outside its permissible range.
Invalid procedure call in Safe mode.
Maximum Buttons Exceeded.
Maximum Panels Exceeded.
Required argument is missing.
Key is not unique in collection.
All images in list must be same size.
Object variable or With block variable not set.
Out of memory. The operation could not allocate enough memory.
Property is read-only if image list contains images.
Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop.
Property can't be set on this control.
Property is read-only.
Property cannot be set at run time.
Type Mismatch. One of the arguments could not be converted to the correct data type.
This would introduce a cycle.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.
Internal error retrieving device control block for the port.
Property is read-only.
Invalid property value.
Could not enable comm notification.
The device is already open.
The device is not open.
Port already open.
The default parameters are in error.
The device identifier is invalid or unsupported.
The device's baud rate is unsupported.
The function cannot allocate the queues.
The hardware is not available (locked by another device).
The specified byte size is invalid.
Invalid Port Number.
Property available only at run time.
Property is read only at runtime.
Device busy.
Operation valid only when the port is open.
Operation not valid while the port is opened.
Timeout value must be greater than zero.
Error reading comm device.
Could not set comm event mask.
Could not set comm state.
Property is read-only.
Async thread failed.
There is an error in the proxy auto-configuration script, so the script cannot be run.
Bad option length.
bad registry parameter.
URL is malformed.
Unable to retrieve data.
Cannot connect.
Change post is not secure.
Client authorization certificate needed.
Client Authorization not set up.
Unable to connect to remote host.
Connection aborted.
Connection reset.
The operation is suspended until you dismiss an open dialog box.
The computer has been disconnected from the network.
Still executing last request.
Extended error.
The operation you attempted failed because it could not pass the security check.
Force entry.
FTP command failed.
Connection dropped.
A PASSIVE mode connection was attempted (that is, the original connect request specified INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE), but the server does not allow that mode.
FTP: transfer in progress.
Gopher: attribute not found.
Gopher: data error.
Gopher: end of data.
Gopher: incorrect locator type.
Gopher: invalid locator.
Gopher: not a file.
Gopher: not Gopher plus.
Gopher: protocol error.
Gopher: unknown locator.
Handle exists.
HTTP: header not found.
A cookie supplied by the server was not accepted.
You must confirm a server-supplied cookie before the download can proceed.
HTTP: downlevel server.
HTTP: Header already exists.
HTTP: invalid header.
HTTP: invalid query request.
HTTP: invalid server response.
HTTP: redirect failed.
You must confirm a protocol-level redirection before the download can proceed.
You must reattempt the operation again because a security zone check failed.
HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
Incorrect format.
incorrect handle state.
incorrect handle type.
Incorrect password.
Incorrect User name.
Invalid operation.
Unable to open internet handle.
The installable CD cache requires a CD-ROM to be present in the drive.
Internal error.
Invalid client authorization.
This call is not valid for an FTP connection.
Invalid operation?argument.
Invalid option.
Invalid property value.
Invalid proxy request.
Invalid URL.
Item not found.
Login failure.
Mixed security.
Name not resolved.
No callback.
No context.
No direct access.
You must execute an operation before retrieving data.
No remote computer is specified.
Not a proxy.
Unable to open URL.
Operation cancelled.
Option not settable.
Out of handles.
Out of memory.
Post is non-secure.
Protocol not supported for this method.
Protocol not found.
The requested proxy server was unable to be reached.
Redirect scheme change.
Registry value not found.
Unable to complete request.
Request pending.
Attempt the operation again.
Security certificate number invalid.
Security certificate date invalid.
The certificate has been revoked.
The certificate is invalid.
Security channel error.
The requested server was unable to be connected to. This was determined by receipt of a WSAEHOSTUNREACH error from WinSock.
Request timed out.
Type mismatch.
Unable to cache file.
The required proxy auto-configuration file could not be retrieved.
Unrecognized scheme.
Not a valid or supported command.
Cannot coerce type.
Would block.
Access denied.
Ambiguous recipient.
One or more recipient addresses are invalid. Make sure the addresses for the RecipAddress property are valid.
Attachment not found.
The specified attachment wasn't found, and mail wasn't sent.
Failure on opening attachment.
The attachment couldn't be located. Mail wasn't sent. Verify that the AttachmentPathName property is valid.
Failure attempting to write an attachment.
An attachment could not be written to a temporary file. Check directory permissions.
Invalid recipient type.
The type of recipient was incorrect. Valid type values are 1 (primary recipient), 2 (copy recipient), and 3 (blind copy recipient).
Cannot perform action, no messages in list
Disk is full.
The disk is full. The current action could not create a disk file.
Unspecified failure has occurred.
An unspecified error occurred during the current action. For example, the action was unable to delete or address mail correctly.
This is an unspecified error.
General Failure.
Insufficient memory.
There is insufficient memory to proceed with the current action.
Property is read only when not using Compose Buffer. Set MsgIndex = 1
Action not valid for Compose Buffer
The attempted action is not valid in the Compose Buffer (MsgIndex set to 1)
Invalid editfields.
The value of the AddressEditFieldCount property is invalid. Valid values are from 0 to 4.
Invalid message.
An invalid message ID was used. The current action was not completed.
Action only valid for Compose Buffer. Set MsgIndex = 1
No originator in the Compose Buffer.
You cannot see message originator information while in the Compose Buffer (MsgIndex set to 1).
Invalid Recipients.
One or more recipient addresses are invalid. Make sure the addresses for the RecipAddress property are valid.
Invalid session.
An invalid session ID was used. To associate the MAPI messages control with a valid messaging session, set the SessionID property to the MAPI session control's SessionID.
Login has failed.
There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on correctly.
Message in use.
Network failure.
Cannot perform action, no attachments
No messages.
Unable to find the next message.
Cannot perform action, no recipients
MAPI Failure: valid session ID does not exist.
The MAPI messages control does not have a valid session handle from the MAPI session control.
Not supported.
The current action is not supported by the underlying mail system.
Logon failure: valid session ID already exists.
The MAPI messages control is already using a valid session ID.
Action returned successfully.
Text is too large.
The text in the message was too large to send. The mail wasn't sent. Text is limited to 32K.
Too many files.
Too many file attachments are contained in the message. The mail wasn't sent or read.
Too many recipients.
There are too many message recipients specified. Mail wasn't sent or read.
Too many sessions.
The user has too many sessions open at once.
Type not supported.
Unknown recipient.
The recipient doesn't appear in the address list. Mail wasn't sent.
User canceled process.
The current action was not completed because the user canceled the process.
Can't create button.
Can't create a timer resource.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
Expected at least one argument.
Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.
Property is write-only.
Invalid object use.
Invalid procedure call.
invalid property value.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop.
Property is read-only.
Unsupported function.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.
A call to the Windows function GlobalAlloc () failed.
GlobalAlloc() Windows function failure.
Bad GraphicCell PictureClip property request.
The index argument for the GraphicCell property is out of range. This argument must be in the range 0 to (PicClip.Rows * PicClip.Cols)1.
Bad GraphicCell Index.
Unable to obtain bitmap.
Only bitmap GraphicCell pictures allowed.
Cell size too small (must be at least 1 by 1 pixel).
The ClipHeight and ClipWidth properties specify coordinates which are outside the boundary of the bitmap loaded in the PictureClip control.
Clip region boundary error.
Cols property must be greater than zero.
Unable to obtain display context.
Property is write-only.
A call to the Windows function GetObject () failed.
GetObject() Windows function failure.
Unable to allocate internal picture structure.
You can load only bitmap (.bmp) files into the PictureClip control.
Picture format not supported.
Unable to obtain memory device context.
No GraphicCell picture size specified.
No picture assigned.
Out of memory.
Rows property must be greater than zero.
Unable to select bitmap object.
Property can't be set on this control. Property is read-only.
StretchX property cannot be negative.
StretchY property cannot be negative.
Unable to load specified file.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
Expected at least one argument.
Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.
Property is write-only.
Invalid character position.
Invalid or missing OLE class name.
Invalid file format.
Invalid HDC.
Invalid or missing key name.
Invalid object.
Invalid object use.
Invalid procedure call.
Invalid property array index.
Invalid property value.
Key does not exist.
Key is not unique in collection.
Unable to create object.
Unable to start server application.
Required source document or class name is missing.
Out of memory.
The specified path/file name cannot be accessed or is invalid.
The operation cannot be performed on protected text.
Property cannot be set.
Property is read-only.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.
AutoBuddy not set, no potential buddy controls found.
Bad file name or number.
BuddyControl must be a separate control within the same container.
Stop method does not effect AutoPlay property.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
A date was specified that doesn't fall within the MinDate and MaxData properties.
An error occurred in a call to the Windows DTPicker control.
Error closing open video file.
Unable to set property.
Unable to open AVI file.
Unable to play AVI file.
Error trying to stop playing video file.
Expected at least one argument.
File not found.
Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.
Property is write-only.
Internal state of the control has become corrupted.
An invalid date was specified for the MaxDate property.
A value was specified for the MaxDate property that is lower than the current value of MinDate.
An invalid value was specified for the MinDate property.
A value was specified for the MinDate property that is higher than the current value of MaxDate.
Invalid object use.
Invalid procedure call.
Invalid property value.
An invalid date range was specified.
A value was specified for MonthRows that would cause the total number of months (ie. MonthRows * MonthCols) to be greater than 12.
A value was specified for MonthRows or MonthColumns that is not between 1 and 12.
An error occurred in a call to the Windows MonthView control.
An UpDown control cannot be buddied with another UpDown control.
BuddyControl property must be set first.
Can't set Value to NULL when CheckBox property = FALSE.
Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop.
Scroll value is out of range.
Can't set Day property when MultiSelect = True.
Can't set DayOfWeek property when MultiSelect = True.
Can't set MaxSelCount property when MultiSelect = False.
Can't set Month property when MultSelect = True.
Property is read-only.
Property cannot be set at runtime.
Can't set SelEnd property when MultiSelect = False.
Can't set SelStart property when MultiSelect = False.
Can't Set Week property when MultiSelect = True.
Can't set Year property when MultiSelect = True.
Must open AVI file first.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.
Invalid object.
Circular object referencing is not allowed.
When the ListView control's View property is set to 3 (Report), the left-most column (column 1) can only be left aligned. Any attempt to set the alignment to another value will result in this error.
Control's collection has been modified.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
Element not found.
This item's control has been deleted.
Expected at least one argument.
Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData
Property is write-only.
ImageList cannot be modified while another control is bound to it.
ImageList must be initialized before it can be used.
Index out of bounds.
Invalid key.
Invalid object use.
Invalid picture.
Invalid procedure call.
Invalid property value.
A value has been assigned to a property, that is outside its permissible range.
Invalid procedure call in Safe mode.
Maximum Buttons Exceeded.
Maximum Panels Exceeded.
Required argument is missing.
Key is not unique in collection.
All images in list must be same size.
Object variable or With block variable not set.
Out of memory. The operation could not allocate enough memory.
Property is read-only if image list contains images.
Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop.
Property can't be set on this control.
Property is read-only.
Property cannot be set at run time.
Type Mismatch. One of the arguments could not be converted to the correct data type.
This would introduce a cycle.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.
Internal error retrieving device control block for the port.
Property is read-only.
Invalid property value.
Could not enable comm notification.
The device is already open.
The device is not open.
Port already open.
The default parameters are in error.
The device identifier is invalid or unsupported.
The device's baud rate is unsupported.
The function cannot allocate the queues.
The hardware is not available (locked by another device).
The specified byte size is invalid.
Invalid Port Number.
Property available only at run time.
Property is read only at runtime.
Device busy.
Operation valid only when the port is open.
Operation not valid while the port is opened.
Timeout value must be greater than zero.
Error reading comm device.
Could not set comm event mask.
Could not set comm state.
Property is read-only.
Async thread failed.
There is an error in the proxy auto-configuration script, so the script cannot be run.
Bad option length.
bad registry parameter.
URL is malformed.
Unable to retrieve data.
Cannot connect.
Change post is not secure.
Client authorization certificate needed.
Client Authorization not set up.
Unable to connect to remote host.
Connection aborted.
Connection reset.
The operation is suspended until you dismiss an open dialog box.
The computer has been disconnected from the network.
Still executing last request.
Extended error.
The operation you attempted failed because it could not pass the security check.
Force entry.
FTP command failed.
Connection dropped.
A PASSIVE mode connection was attempted (that is, the original connect request specified INTERNET_FLAG_PASSIVE), but the server does not allow that mode.
FTP: transfer in progress.
Gopher: attribute not found.
Gopher: data error.
Gopher: end of data.
Gopher: incorrect locator type.
Gopher: invalid locator.
Gopher: not a file.
Gopher: not Gopher plus.
Gopher: protocol error.
Gopher: unknown locator.
Handle exists.
HTTP: header not found.
A cookie supplied by the server was not accepted.
You must confirm a server-supplied cookie before the download can proceed.
HTTP: downlevel server.
HTTP: Header already exists.
HTTP: invalid header.
HTTP: invalid query request.
HTTP: invalid server response.
HTTP: redirect failed.
You must confirm a protocol-level redirection before the download can proceed.
You must reattempt the operation again because a security zone check failed.
HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
HTTPS to HTTP on redirect.
Incorrect format.
incorrect handle state.
incorrect handle type.
Incorrect password.
Incorrect User name.
Invalid operation.
Unable to open internet handle.
The installable CD cache requires a CD-ROM to be present in the drive.
Internal error.
Invalid client authorization.
This call is not valid for an FTP connection.
Invalid operation?argument.
Invalid option.
Invalid property value.
Invalid proxy request.
Invalid URL.
Item not found.
Login failure.
Mixed security.
Name not resolved.
No callback.
No context.
No direct access.
You must execute an operation before retrieving data.
No remote computer is specified.
Not a proxy.
Unable to open URL.
Operation cancelled.
Option not settable.
Out of handles.
Out of memory.
Post is non-secure.
Protocol not supported for this method.
Protocol not found.
The requested proxy server was unable to be reached.
Redirect scheme change.
Registry value not found.
Unable to complete request.
Request pending.
Attempt the operation again.
Security certificate number invalid.
Security certificate date invalid.
The certificate has been revoked.
The certificate is invalid.
Security channel error.
The requested server was unable to be connected to. This was determined by receipt of a WSAEHOSTUNREACH error from WinSock.
Request timed out.
Type mismatch.
Unable to cache file.
The required proxy auto-configuration file could not be retrieved.
Unrecognized scheme.
Not a valid or supported command.
Cannot coerce type.
Would block.
Access denied.
Ambiguous recipient.
One or more recipient addresses are invalid. Make sure the addresses for the RecipAddress property are valid.
Attachment not found.
The specified attachment wasn't found, and mail wasn't sent.
Failure on opening attachment.
The attachment couldn't be located. Mail wasn't sent. Verify that the AttachmentPathName property is valid.
Failure attempting to write an attachment.
An attachment could not be written to a temporary file. Check directory permissions.
Invalid recipient type.
The type of recipient was incorrect. Valid type values are 1 (primary recipient), 2 (copy recipient), and 3 (blind copy recipient).
Cannot perform action, no messages in list
Disk is full.
The disk is full. The current action could not create a disk file.
Unspecified failure has occurred.
An unspecified error occurred during the current action. For example, the action was unable to delete or address mail correctly.
This is an unspecified error.
General Failure.
Insufficient memory.
There is insufficient memory to proceed with the current action.
Property is read only when not using Compose Buffer. Set MsgIndex = 1
Action not valid for Compose Buffer
The attempted action is not valid in the Compose Buffer (MsgIndex set to 1)
Invalid editfields.
The value of the AddressEditFieldCount property is invalid. Valid values are from 0 to 4.
Invalid message.
An invalid message ID was used. The current action was not completed.
Action only valid for Compose Buffer. Set MsgIndex = 1
No originator in the Compose Buffer.
You cannot see message originator information while in the Compose Buffer (MsgIndex set to 1).
Invalid Recipients.
One or more recipient addresses are invalid. Make sure the addresses for the RecipAddress property are valid.
Invalid session.
An invalid session ID was used. To associate the MAPI messages control with a valid messaging session, set the SessionID property to the MAPI session control's SessionID.
Login has failed.
There was no default logon, and the user failed to log on correctly.
Message in use.
Network failure.
Cannot perform action, no attachments
No messages.
Unable to find the next message.
Cannot perform action, no recipients
MAPI Failure: valid session ID does not exist.
The MAPI messages control does not have a valid session handle from the MAPI session control.
Not supported.
The current action is not supported by the underlying mail system.
Logon failure: valid session ID already exists.
The MAPI messages control is already using a valid session ID.
Action returned successfully.
Text is too large.
The text in the message was too large to send. The mail wasn't sent. Text is limited to 32K.
Too many files.
Too many file attachments are contained in the message. The mail wasn't sent or read.
Too many recipients.
There are too many message recipients specified. Mail wasn't sent or read.
Too many sessions.
The user has too many sessions open at once.
Type not supported.
Unknown recipient.
The recipient doesn't appear in the address list. Mail wasn't sent.
User canceled process.
The current action was not completed because the user canceled the process.
Can't create button.
Can't create a timer resource.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
Expected at least one argument.
Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.
Property is write-only.
Invalid object use.
Invalid procedure call.
invalid property value.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop.
Property is read-only.
Unsupported function.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.
A call to the Windows function GlobalAlloc () failed.
GlobalAlloc() Windows function failure.
Bad GraphicCell PictureClip property request.
The index argument for the GraphicCell property is out of range. This argument must be in the range 0 to (PicClip.Rows * PicClip.Cols)1.
Bad GraphicCell Index.
Unable to obtain bitmap.
Only bitmap GraphicCell pictures allowed.
Cell size too small (must be at least 1 by 1 pixel).
The ClipHeight and ClipWidth properties specify coordinates which are outside the boundary of the bitmap loaded in the PictureClip control.
Clip region boundary error.
Cols property must be greater than zero.
Unable to obtain display context.
Property is write-only.
A call to the Windows function GetObject () failed.
GetObject() Windows function failure.
Unable to allocate internal picture structure.
You can load only bitmap (.bmp) files into the PictureClip control.
Picture format not supported.
Unable to obtain memory device context.
No GraphicCell picture size specified.
No picture assigned.
Out of memory.
Rows property must be greater than zero.
Unable to select bitmap object.
Property can't be set on this control. Property is read-only.
StretchX property cannot be negative.
StretchY property cannot be negative.
Unable to load specified file.
Requested data was not supplied to the DataObject during the OLESetData event.
DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event.
Expected at least one argument.
Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData.
Property is write-only.
Invalid character position.
Invalid or missing OLE class name.
Invalid file format.
Invalid HDC.
Invalid or missing key name.
Invalid object.
Invalid object use.
Invalid procedure call.
Invalid property array index.
Invalid property value.
Key does not exist.
Key is not unique in collection.
Unable to create object.
Unable to start server application.
Required source document or class name is missing.
Out of memory.
The specified path/file name cannot be accessed or is invalid.
The operation cannot be performed on protected text.
Property cannot be set.
Property is read-only.
Specified format doesn't match format of data.