Microsoft Corporation DLL-Dateien
6to4svc.dll | Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. | aaaamon.dll | Aaaa Monitor DLL |
aaclient.dll | Anywhere access client | aadauthhelper.dll | Microsoft® AAD Auth Helper |
aadcloudap.dll | AAD Cloud AP Plugin | aadjcsp.dll | AADJCSP |
aadtb.dll | AAD Token Broker Helper Library | abovelockapphost.dll | AboveLockAppHost |
acadproc.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL | accessibility.dll | .NET Framework |
accessibilitycpl.dll | Ease of access control panel | | .NET Framework |
acctres.dll | Microsoft Internet Account Manager Resources | accwiz.dll | Microsoft Access Wizard Controls |
acedao.dll | Microsoft Access database engine Data Access Object Library | acgenral.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
aclayers.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL | acledit.dll | Access Control List Editor |
aclua.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL | aclui.dll | Security Descriptor Editor |
acmigration.dll | Compatibility Upgrade Migration Host | acppage.dll | Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library |
acprgwiz.dll | Application Compatibility Program Wizard | acproxy.dll | Autochk Proxy DLL |
acres.dll | Application Compatibility Resource File | acspecfc.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
actioncenter.dll | Security and Maintenance | actioncentercpl.dll | Security and Maintenance Control Panel |
actionqueue.dll | Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor | activecontentwizard.dll | Active Content Wizard |
activeds.dll | DLL de la couche de routage AD | actxprxy.dll | ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library |
acverfyr.dll | Windows Application Verifier DLL | acwow64.dll | Windows Compatibility for 32bit Apps on Win64 |
acxtrnal.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL | adammigrate.dll | Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services migration plugin |
adfsmig.dll | ADFS Migration Plugin dll | adhapi.dll | AD harvest sites and subnets API |
adhsvc.dll | AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service | admexs.dll | IIS AdminEx sample DLL |
admin.dll | Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions | admparse.dll | IEAK Global Policy Template Parser |
admtmpl.dll | Administrative Templates Extension | admwprox.dll | IIS Admin Com API Proxy dll |
admxprox.dll | IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll | adodb.dll | |
adomdclient.dll | ADOMD.NET | adonetdiag.dll | .NET Framework |
6to4svc.dll | Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over an IPv4 network. |
aaaamon.dll | Aaaa Monitor DLL |
aaclient.dll | Anywhere access client |
aadauthhelper.dll | Microsoft® AAD Auth Helper |
aadcloudap.dll | AAD Cloud AP Plugin |
aadjcsp.dll | AADJCSP |
aadtb.dll | AAD Token Broker Helper Library |
abovelockapphost.dll | AboveLockAppHost |
acadproc.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
accessibility.dll | .NET Framework |
accessibilitycpl.dll | Ease of access control panel | | .NET Framework |
acctres.dll | Microsoft Internet Account Manager Resources |
accwiz.dll | Microsoft Access Wizard Controls |
acedao.dll | Microsoft Access database engine Data Access Object Library |
acgenral.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
aclayers.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
acledit.dll | Access Control List Editor |
aclua.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
aclui.dll | Security Descriptor Editor |
acmigration.dll | Compatibility Upgrade Migration Host |
acppage.dll | Compatibility Tab Shell Extension Library |
acprgwiz.dll | Application Compatibility Program Wizard |
acproxy.dll | Autochk Proxy DLL |
acres.dll | Application Compatibility Resource File |
acspecfc.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
actioncenter.dll | Security and Maintenance |
actioncentercpl.dll | Security and Maintenance Control Panel |
actionqueue.dll | Unattend Action Queue Generator / Executor |
activecontentwizard.dll | Active Content Wizard |
activeds.dll | DLL de la couche de routage AD |
actxprxy.dll | ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library |
acverfyr.dll | Windows Application Verifier DLL |
acwow64.dll | Windows Compatibility for 32bit Apps on Win64 |
acxtrnal.dll | Windows Compatibility DLL |
adammigrate.dll | Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services migration plugin |
adfsmig.dll | ADFS Migration Plugin dll |
adhapi.dll | AD harvest sites and subnets API |
adhsvc.dll | AD Harvest Sites and Subnets Service |
admexs.dll | IIS AdminEx sample DLL |
admin.dll | Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions |
admparse.dll | IEAK Global Policy Template Parser |
admtmpl.dll | Administrative Templates Extension |
admwprox.dll | IIS Admin Com API Proxy dll |
admxprox.dll | IIS Admin Ex Com API Proxy dll |
adodb.dll | |
adomdclient.dll | ADOMD.NET |
adonetdiag.dll | .NET Framework |