My UQ mobile

My UQ mobile

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App Info

Name My UQ mobile
Category Communication
Operating System Android
Developer KDDI株式会社

My UQ mobile Description

The My UQ mobile app serves as the primary tool for UQ mobile users to manage their mobile plan efficiently. It is designed to provide real-time access to crucial account information such as data usage and billing details. The app aims to offer convenience and control to users, allowing them to keep track of their mobile services directly from their smartphones.

What does the My UQ mobile app provide?

The app delivers a user-friendly interface where subscribers can monitor their data consumption and view their current billing amount. It is especially useful for users who need to manage their data allowance and avoid extra charges by keeping an eye on their remaining data balance.

Benefits & Features

  • Check remaining data balance in real-time
  • View current and past billing amounts
  • Easy access to account management features
  • User-friendly interface for simplified navigation
  • Helpful for budgeting and monitoring mobile expenses
  • Convenient for on-the-go account updates

The My UQ mobile app stands out as a reliable assistant for UQ mobile subscribers. It provides essential services that empower users to stay on top of their mobile usage with ease. The app's design caters to those who appreciate quick and straightforward access to their mobile plan details, making it a valuable asset for managing mobile communications effectively.


  • Real-time tracking of data usage
  • Accessible billing information
  • User-centric design for ease of use
  • Facilitates better data and financial management


  • Limited to UQ mobile subscribers only
  • May not offer advanced features beyond account management

Focusing on the importance of staying informed about one's mobile usage, the My UQ mobile app delivers precisely what is necessary for effective account management. Its straightforward functionality ensures that users can confidently manage their data and costs without unnecessary complexity. The app is a testament to UQ mobile's commitment to providing user-friendly solutions for their subscribers.


My UQ mobile is a product developed by KDDI株式会社. This site is not directly affiliated with KDDI株式会社. All trademarks, registered trademarks, product names and company names or logos mentioned herein are the property of their respective owners.