DLL-filer som börjar med D

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
dmintf.dll Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub dmiprovider.dll DISM Driver Provider
dmix.dll DMIX dmloader.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Loader
dmocx.dll TreeView OCX dmouse1.dll
dmpushproxy.dll dmpushproxy dmrc.dll Windows MRC
dmscript.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting dmsdk.dll DMSDKUnplugged
dmserver.dll DLLfil för tjänsten Logical Disk Manager dmstyle.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engline
dmsynth.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer dmusic.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Core Services
dmutil.dll Funktionsbibliotek för Hanteraren för logiska diskar dmvdsitf.dll Disk Management Snapin Support Library
dmvscres.dll 虛擬機器動態記憶體資源 DLL dmxbici.dll Photo Gallery Bici
dnanimation.dll dncommon.dll
dnsapi.dll DNS Client API DLL dnsclientcim.dll Network Management Value Objects
dnsclientpsprovider.dll DNS Client WMIv2 Provider dnscmmc.dll DNS Client MMC Snapin DLL
dnsext.dll DNS extension DLL dnshc.dll DNS Helper Class
dnslookup.dll dnsmgr.dll DNS Snapin
dnsrslvr.dll DNS Caching Resolver Service dnssd.dll Bonjour Client Library
dnutility.dll docobj.dll Microsoft DocObject Interface Marshaller
docprop.dll OLE DocFile Property Page docprop2.dll Microsoft shelltillägg för dokumentegenskaper
docshell.dll documentformat.openxml.dll DocumentFormat.OpenXml
documentperformanceevents.dll Documents and Printing Performance Events dot3api.dll 802.3 Autoconfiguration API
dot3cfg.dll 802.3 Netsh Helper dot3conn.dll Wired Network Connection Flows
dot3dlg.dll 802.3 UI Helper dot3gpclnt.dll 802.3 Group Policy Client
dot3gpui.dll 802.3 Network Policy Management Snapin dot3hc.dll Dot3 Helper Class
dot3mm.dll Wired Network Media Manager dot3msm.dll 802.3 Media Specific Module
dot3svc.dll Wired AutoConfig Service dot3ui.dll 802.3 Advanced UI
download.dll Download.dll downloader.dll Downloader
dmintf.dll Disk Management DCOM Interface Stub
dmiprovider.dll DISM Driver Provider
dmix.dll DMIX
dmloader.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Loader
dmocx.dll TreeView OCX
dmpushproxy.dll dmpushproxy
dmrc.dll Windows MRC
dmscript.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Scripting
dmsdk.dll DMSDKUnplugged
dmserver.dll DLLfil för tjänsten Logical Disk Manager
dmstyle.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Style Engline
dmsynth.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Software Synthesizer
dmusic.dll Microsoft DirectMusic Core Services
dmutil.dll Funktionsbibliotek för Hanteraren för logiska diskar
dmvdsitf.dll Disk Management Snapin Support Library
dmvscres.dll 虛擬機器動態記憶體資源 DLL
dmxbici.dll Photo Gallery Bici
dnsapi.dll DNS Client API DLL
dnsclientcim.dll Network Management Value Objects
dnsclientpsprovider.dll DNS Client WMIv2 Provider
dnscmmc.dll DNS Client MMC Snapin DLL
dnsext.dll DNS extension DLL
dnshc.dll DNS Helper Class
dnsmgr.dll DNS Snapin
dnsrslvr.dll DNS Caching Resolver Service
dnssd.dll Bonjour Client Library
docobj.dll Microsoft DocObject Interface Marshaller
docprop.dll OLE DocFile Property Page
docprop2.dll Microsoft shelltillägg för dokumentegenskaper
documentformat.openxml.dll DocumentFormat.OpenXml
documentperformanceevents.dll Documents and Printing Performance Events
dot3api.dll 802.3 Autoconfiguration API
dot3cfg.dll 802.3 Netsh Helper
dot3conn.dll Wired Network Connection Flows
dot3dlg.dll 802.3 UI Helper
dot3gpclnt.dll 802.3 Group Policy Client
dot3gpui.dll 802.3 Network Policy Management Snapin
dot3hc.dll Dot3 Helper Class
dot3mm.dll Wired Network Media Manager
dot3msm.dll 802.3 Media Specific Module
dot3svc.dll Wired AutoConfig Service
dot3ui.dll 802.3 Advanced UI
download.dll Download.dll
downloader.dll Downloader