scslib.dll | scumliblec_retail.dll | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed | |
sdappservices_x64.dll | Stardock Application Services | sdautoplay.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup AutoPlay Integration Library |
sdbmworker320u.dll | SDBMWorker DLL | sdcpl.dll | Backup and Restore (Windows 7) Control Panel |
sddflowid.dll | SDDBuildVersion | sdengin2.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Engine |
sdhcinst.dll | Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer | sdiageng.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Execution Engine |
sdiagprv.dll | Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API | sdiagschd.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Scheduled Task |
sdk.dll | Zoom Meetings | sdkencryptedappticket.dll | |
sdl_image.dll | sdl_mixer.dll | ||
sdl_net.dll | sdl_ttf.dll | ||
sdl2.dll | SDL | sdl2_image.dll | SDL_image |
sdl2_mixer.dll | SDL_mixer | sdohlp.dll | NPS SDO Helper Component |
sdpblb.dll | Microsoft Sdpblb | sdpp3260.dll | SDP plugin for RealMedia® |
sdrsvc.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Service | sdshext.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Shell Extension |
sdspres.dll | Microsoft® Backup & Restore resource library | sdupdateext.dll | |
sdw6x.dll | SDW6x | search.dll | Search.dll |
searchfolder.dll | SearchFolder | sechost.dll | Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |
seclogon.dll | Secondary Logon Service DLL | secproc.dll | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor |
secproc_isv.dll | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor | secproc_ssp.dll | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor |
secproc_ssp_isv.dll | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor (Preproduction) | secur32.dll | Security Support Provider Interface |
secureenginesdk64.dll | security.dll | Security Support Provider Interface | |
segmatservices.dll | Adobe After Effects CC 2018 | selfreg.dll | Self Registration DLL |
sendcmsg.dll | Skicka konsolmeddelande | sendmail.dll | Send Mail |
sens.dll | System Event Notification Service (SENS) | sensapi.dll | SENS Connectivity API DLL |
senscfg.dll | SENS Setup/Setup Tool | sensorperformanceevents.dll | Sensors Performance Events |
sensorsalsdriver.dll | ACPI ALS Sensor Driver | sensorsapi.dll | Sensor API |
scslib.dll | |
scumliblec_retail.dll | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed |
sdappservices_x64.dll | Stardock Application Services |
sdautoplay.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup AutoPlay Integration Library |
sdbmworker320u.dll | SDBMWorker DLL |
sdcpl.dll | Backup and Restore (Windows 7) Control Panel |
sddflowid.dll | SDDBuildVersion |
sdengin2.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Engine |
sdhcinst.dll | Secure Digital Host Controller Class Installer |
sdiageng.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Execution Engine |
sdiagprv.dll | Windows Scripted Diagnostic Provider API |
sdiagschd.dll | Scripted Diagnostics Scheduled Task |
sdk.dll | Zoom Meetings |
sdkencryptedappticket.dll | |
sdl_image.dll | |
sdl_mixer.dll | |
sdl_net.dll | |
sdl_ttf.dll | |
sdl2.dll | SDL |
sdl2_image.dll | SDL_image |
sdl2_mixer.dll | SDL_mixer |
sdohlp.dll | NPS SDO Helper Component |
sdpblb.dll | Microsoft Sdpblb |
sdpp3260.dll | SDP plugin for RealMedia® |
sdrsvc.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Service |
sdshext.dll | Microsoft® Windows Backup Shell Extension |
sdspres.dll | Microsoft® Backup & Restore resource library |
sdupdateext.dll | |
sdw6x.dll | SDW6x |
search.dll | Search.dll |
searchfolder.dll | SearchFolder |
sechost.dll | Host for SCM/SDDL/LSA Lookup APIs |
seclogon.dll | Secondary Logon Service DLL |
secproc.dll | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor |
secproc_isv.dll | Windows Rights Management Desktop Security Processor |
secproc_ssp.dll | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor |
secproc_ssp_isv.dll | Windows Rights Management Services Server Security Processor (Preproduction) |
secur32.dll | Security Support Provider Interface |
secureenginesdk64.dll | |
security.dll | Security Support Provider Interface |
segmatservices.dll | Adobe After Effects CC 2018 |
selfreg.dll | Self Registration DLL |
sendcmsg.dll | Skicka konsolmeddelande |
sendmail.dll | Send Mail |
sens.dll | System Event Notification Service (SENS) |
sensapi.dll | SENS Connectivity API DLL |
senscfg.dll | SENS Setup/Setup Tool |
sensorperformanceevents.dll | Sensors Performance Events |
sensorsalsdriver.dll | ACPI ALS Sensor Driver |
sensorsapi.dll | Sensor API |
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