Microsoft CorporationのDLLファイル

ddaclsys.dll SysPrep module for Resetting Data Drive ACL ddao35.dll Microsoft DAO C++ Library
ddoiproxy.dll DDOI Interface Proxy ddores.dll Device Category information and resources
ddp_ps.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Service proxy/stub ddpchunk.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Chunking Library
ddptrace.dll Microsoft File Server Resource Management Tracing Library ddputils.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Common Library
ddraw.dll Microsoft DirectDraw ddrawex.dll Direct Draw Ex
debuggerproxy.dll Microsoft Visual Studio Internal Debugging Proxy/Stub defaultdevicemanager.dll Default Device Manager
defaultlocationcpl.dll Default Location Control Panel defaultprinterprovider.dll Microsoft Windows Default Printer Provider
defragproxy.dll Microsoft® Drive Optimizer Proxy Library defragres.dll Microsoft\Drive Optimizer Resources
defragsvc.dll Microsoft\Drive Optimizer delegatorprovider.dll WMI PassThru Provider for Storage Management
depclrc.dll Dell Printer Driver deskadp.dll Advanced display adapter properties
deskmon.dll Advanced display monitor properties deskperf.dll Advanced display performance properties
desktoptip.dll Microsoft IME detoured.dll Marks process modified by Detours technology.
devdispitemprovider.dll DeviceItem inproc devquery subsystem devenum.dll Device enumeration.
deviceaccess.dll Device Broker And Policy COM Server deviceassociation.dll Device Association Client DLL
devicecenter.dll Device Center devicedisplaystatusmanager.dll Device Display Status Manager
devicedriverretrievalclient.dll Device Driver Retrieval Client deviceelementsource.dll DeviceElementSource
devicemetadataparsers.dll Common Device Metadata parsers devicemetadataretrievalclient.dll Windows MRC
devicepairing.dll Shell extensions for Device Pairing devicepairingfolder.dll Device Pairing Folder
devicepairinghandler.dll Device Pairing Handler Dll devicepairingproxy.dll Device Pairing Proxy Dll
deviceregistration.dll Device Registration DLL devicesetupmanager.dll Device Setup Manager
devicesetupmanagerapi.dll Device Setup Manager Client API devicesetupstatusprovider.dll Device Setup Status Provider Dll
deviceuxres.dll Windows Device User Experience Resource File devinv.dll Device Inventory Library
devmgr.dll Device Manager MMC Snapin devobj.dll Device Information Set DLL
devpropmgr.dll Microsoft Windows Device Property Manager devrtl.dll Device Management Run Time Library
ddaclsys.dll SysPrep module for Resetting Data Drive ACL
ddao35.dll Microsoft DAO C++ Library
ddoiproxy.dll DDOI Interface Proxy
ddores.dll Device Category information and resources
ddp_ps.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Service proxy/stub
ddpchunk.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Chunking Library
ddptrace.dll Microsoft File Server Resource Management Tracing Library
ddputils.dll Microsoft Data Deduplication Common Library
ddraw.dll Microsoft DirectDraw
ddrawex.dll Direct Draw Ex
debuggerproxy.dll Microsoft Visual Studio Internal Debugging Proxy/Stub
defaultdevicemanager.dll Default Device Manager
defaultlocationcpl.dll Default Location Control Panel
defaultprinterprovider.dll Microsoft Windows Default Printer Provider
defragproxy.dll Microsoft® Drive Optimizer Proxy Library
defragres.dll Microsoft\Drive Optimizer Resources
defragsvc.dll Microsoft\Drive Optimizer
delegatorprovider.dll WMI PassThru Provider for Storage Management
depclrc.dll Dell Printer Driver
deskadp.dll Advanced display adapter properties
deskmon.dll Advanced display monitor properties
deskperf.dll Advanced display performance properties
desktoptip.dll Microsoft IME
detoured.dll Marks process modified by Detours technology.
devdispitemprovider.dll DeviceItem inproc devquery subsystem
devenum.dll Device enumeration.
deviceaccess.dll Device Broker And Policy COM Server
deviceassociation.dll Device Association Client DLL
devicecenter.dll Device Center
devicedisplaystatusmanager.dll Device Display Status Manager
devicedriverretrievalclient.dll Device Driver Retrieval Client
deviceelementsource.dll DeviceElementSource
devicemetadataparsers.dll Common Device Metadata parsers
devicemetadataretrievalclient.dll Windows MRC
devicepairing.dll Shell extensions for Device Pairing
devicepairingfolder.dll Device Pairing Folder
devicepairinghandler.dll Device Pairing Handler Dll
devicepairingproxy.dll Device Pairing Proxy Dll
deviceregistration.dll Device Registration DLL
devicesetupmanager.dll Device Setup Manager
devicesetupmanagerapi.dll Device Setup Manager Client API
devicesetupstatusprovider.dll Device Setup Status Provider Dll
deviceuxres.dll Windows Device User Experience Resource File
devinv.dll Device Inventory Library
devmgr.dll Device Manager MMC Snapin
devobj.dll Device Information Set DLL
devpropmgr.dll Microsoft Windows Device Property Manager
devrtl.dll Device Management Run Time Library