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Informações do Aplicativo

Nome PrintSmash
Categoria Ferramentas
Sistema Operacional Android

Descrição do PrintSmash

In an age where smartphones hold precious moments in the form of photos and essential documents in PDFs, having a seamless way to print these out can be incredibly convenient. The PrintSmash app fulfills this need by enabling users to print directly from their smartphones at various convenience store locations.

What are the purposes of using the PrintSmash app

The primary purpose of the PrintSmash app is to allow users the flexibility to print photos and PDF files directly from their smartphones. This can be particularly useful for printing travel memories, event tickets, or important documents when on the go.

What does the PrintSmash app provide?

PrintSmash offers a user-friendly interface that connects a person’s smartphone to a nearby compatible printer. It supports a wide range of file types and provides quick access to printing services at convenience stores, which often operate 24/7.

Benefits & Features

  • Convenient on-the-go printing from your smartphone
  • Support for photos and PDF documents
  • Accessible at a wide network of convenience stores
  • User-friendly interface for ease of use
  • 24/7 availability of printing services in many locations
  • No need for a home printer or computer

As the digital realm continues to merge with our physical lives, PrintSmash provides a bridge by offering a practical solution for instant printing needs. Whether it's for last-minute presentations, creating physical copies of cherished memories, or simply for convenience, the app delivers a reliable service that integrates seamlessly with modern lifestyles.


  • Highly convenient for users on the move
  • Supports immediate printing needs
  • Easy to navigate and use
  • Widely available at numerous locations


  • Dependent on proximity to a compatible convenience store
  • May incur costs per print
  • Printing quality may vary across different locations

PrintSmash stands out as a handy app for anyone needing quick and easy access to printing services. Its strengths lie in its convenience and simplicity, making it a go-to solution for people who are out and about. While there are limitations based on location and potential costs, the benefits it provides can be invaluable for users who find themselves in need of a quick printing job without the usual resources.

Aviso Legal

PrintSmash é um produto desenvolvido por SHARP CORPORATION. Este site não tem afiliação direta com SHARP CORPORATION. Todas as marcas comerciais, marcas registradas, nomes de produtos e nomes de empresas ou logotipos mencionados aqui são propriedade de seus respectivos proprietários.