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Informações do Aplicativo

Categoria Entretenimento
Sistema Operacional Android
Desenvolvedor JCOM株式会社

Descrição do MY J:COM

The MY J:COM app serves as a versatile tool for customers of J:COM services. It is primarily designed to enhance user experience by offering a convenient way to manage their J:COM services. The app allows users to make recording reservations for TV programs, access customer support, and manage personal account details all in a seamless and integrated environment.

What does the MY J:COM app provide?

With MY J:COM, users have access to a range of functionalities that streamline their interaction with J:COM's services. The app provides a user-friendly interface where customers can handle various tasks related to their subscription without the need to reach out to customer service or navigate through multiple websites or platforms.

Benefits & Features

  • Recording Reservation: Set up recordings for favorite TV shows on the go to ensure you never miss out on must-see programming.
  • Customer Support: Get help and support directly through the app, making problem resolution more accessible and efficient.
  • Account Management: Easily view and manage account details, including plan subscriptions and billing information.
  • One-Stop Solution: A centralized platform that aggregates various services for better user experience.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed for ease of use, enabling customers to navigate and utilize features without hassle.

For those who utilize J:COM services, the MY J:COM app is a valuable addition to their digital toolkit. The convenience of recording shows, managing account details, and accessing support through a single application simplifies the customer experience and provides a sense of control over their services.


  • Convenient and time-saving features for managing TV recordings.
  • Direct access to customer support reduces the need for calls or emails.
  • Simple account management helps keep personal details and services organized.


  • Limited to J:COM subscribers, so not useful for those outside the J:COM ecosystem.
  • App experience can vary depending on device compatibility and software updates.

The MY J:COM app is a thoughtful tool for subscribers, bringing a variety of services into one compact application. It empowers users to stay connected and in control of their J:COM services, with the added convenience of managing their preferences and support needs on the fly. While it is a niche app tailored for a specific audience, its functionality underscores J:COM's commitment to user-centric service and innovation.

Aviso Legal

MY J:COM é um produto desenvolvido por JCOM株式会社. Este site não tem afiliação direta com JCOM株式会社. Todas as marcas comerciais, marcas registradas, nomes de produtos e nomes de empresas ou logotipos mencionados aqui são propriedade de seus respectivos proprietários.