Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers

Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers

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이름 Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers
카테고리 Personalization
운영 체제 Android
개발자 TarrySoft

Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers 설명

The Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers app breathes new life into your device's backdrop, offering a collection of AMOLED 4D parallax live wallpapers in both HD and 4K resolutions. It also boasts an array of animated 3D lock screen backgrounds that add a layer of depth and motion as you interact with your phone.

What are the purposes of using the Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers app

Users turn to the Pixel 4D™ app to enhance their device's aesthetic appeal with dynamic and visually stunning wallpapers. It's designed to personalize the user experience and give smartphones a unique and interactive look. The app aims to make the most of modern AMOLED displays, which are known for their vibrant colors and deep blacks, by providing wallpapers that are optimized for battery efficiency and performance.

What does the Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers app provide?

This app offers a vast library of live wallpapers that include a variety of themes and designs. From space vistas to abstract art, the 4D effects create a sense of depth that makes the wallpaper appear as though it's moving with your device. The app is constantly updated with new wallpapers to ensure there's always something fresh for users to discover.

Benefits & Features

  • Extensive collection of 4D live wallpapers in HD and 4K resolutions.
  • Animated 3D lock screen backgrounds that add a new dimension to your device.
  • Optimized for AMOLED displays, providing deep blacks and vibrant colors.
  • Low battery consumption, making it suitable for daily use without significant impact on device performance.
  • Regular updates with new and exclusive live wallpapers.
  • User-friendly interface that makes browsing and applying wallpapers simple and intuitive.
  • Customization options to adjust the wallpaper's speed and depth of the parallax effect.

As a final note on the Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers app, it stands out as a robust option for those looking to elevate their smartphone experience with rich, dynamic backgrounds. Its commitment to visual quality and variety ensures that there is something for every taste and preference.


  • Wide variety of unique and high-quality 4D live wallpapers.
  • Energy-efficient designs tailored for AMOLED screens.
  • Easy to navigate and apply new wallpapers.
  • Regular additions keep the selection fresh and up-to-date.


  • Some premium wallpapers may require in-app purchases.
  • High-resolution wallpapers might not perform as well on older or less powerful devices.

면책 조항

Pixel 4D™ Live Wallpapers 에서 개발한 제품입니다 TarrySoft. 이 사이트는 다음과 직접적으로 제휴하지 않습니다 TarrySoft. 본 문서에 언급된 모든 상표, 등록 상표, 제품명 및 회사명 또는 로고는 해당 소유자의 자산입니다.