File DLL dari Microsoft Corporation

mscorrc.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime resources mscorsec.dll Microsoft .NET Security module
mscorsecimpl.dll Microsoft .NET Security module mscorsecr.dll Microsoft .NET Security resource module
mscorsn.dll Microsoft .NET Strong Name Support mscorsvc.dll .NET Runtime Optimization Service
mscorsvr.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime Server mscortim.dll Unmanaged code to assist CLR Admin tool
mscorwks.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime WorkStation mscpx32r.dll ODBC Code Page Translator Resources
mscpxl32.dll ODBC Code Page Translator msctf.dll MSCTF Server DLL
msctfmig.dll msctfmig Server DLL msctfmonitor.dll MsCtfMonitor DLL
msctfp.dll MSCTFP Server DLL msctfui.dll MSCTFUI Server DLL
msctfuimanager.dll Microsoft UIManager DLL msdadc.dll OLE DB Data Conversion Stub
msdadiag.dll BuiltIn Diagnostics msdaenum.dll OLE DB Root Enumerator Stub
msdaer.dll OLE DB Error Collection Stub msdaipp.dll Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider
msdaora.dll OLE DB Provider for Oracle msdaorar.dll OLE DB Provider for Oracle Resources
msdaosp.dll OLE DB Simple Provider msdapml.dll Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider Multilang DLL
msdaprsr.dll OLE DB Persistence Services Resources msdaprst.dll OLE DB Persistence Services
msdaps.dll OLE DB Interface Proxies/Stubs msdarem.dll OLE DB Remote Provider
msdaremr.dll OLE DB Remote Provider Resources msdart.dll OLE DB Runtime Routines
msdasc.dll OLE DB Service Components Stub msdasql.dll OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
msdasqlr.dll OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Resources msdatasrc.dll
msdatl2.dll Microsoft OLE DB Implementation support library msdatl3.dll OLE DB Implementation Support Routines
msdatt.dll OLE DB Temporary Table Services msdaurl.dll OLE DB RootBinder Stub
msdbrpt.dll Microsoft Data Report ActiveX Designer DLL Version 6.0 (SP4) msdbrptr.dll Microsoft Data Report Runtime DLL Version 6.0 (SP4)
msdelta.dll Microsoft Patch Engine msderun.dll Microsoft Data Environment Runtime
msdfmap.dll Data Factory Handler msdia80.dll Microsoft® Debug Information Accessor
msdmeng.dll Microsoft Data Mining Engine msdmine.dll Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Data Mining Services
mscorrc.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime resources
mscorsec.dll Microsoft .NET Security module
mscorsecimpl.dll Microsoft .NET Security module
mscorsecr.dll Microsoft .NET Security resource module
mscorsn.dll Microsoft .NET Strong Name Support
mscorsvc.dll .NET Runtime Optimization Service
mscorsvr.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime Server
mscortim.dll Unmanaged code to assist CLR Admin tool
mscorwks.dll Microsoft .NET Runtime Common Language Runtime WorkStation
mscpx32r.dll ODBC Code Page Translator Resources
mscpxl32.dll ODBC Code Page Translator
msctf.dll MSCTF Server DLL
msctfmig.dll msctfmig Server DLL
msctfmonitor.dll MsCtfMonitor DLL
msctfp.dll MSCTFP Server DLL
msctfui.dll MSCTFUI Server DLL
msctfuimanager.dll Microsoft UIManager DLL
msdadc.dll OLE DB Data Conversion Stub
msdadiag.dll BuiltIn Diagnostics
msdaenum.dll OLE DB Root Enumerator Stub
msdaer.dll OLE DB Error Collection Stub
msdaipp.dll Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider
msdaora.dll OLE DB Provider for Oracle
msdaorar.dll OLE DB Provider for Oracle Resources
msdaosp.dll OLE DB Simple Provider
msdapml.dll Microsoft Data Access Component Internet Publishing Provider Multilang DLL
msdaprsr.dll OLE DB Persistence Services Resources
msdaprst.dll OLE DB Persistence Services
msdaps.dll OLE DB Interface Proxies/Stubs
msdarem.dll OLE DB Remote Provider
msdaremr.dll OLE DB Remote Provider Resources
msdart.dll OLE DB Runtime Routines
msdasc.dll OLE DB Service Components Stub
msdasql.dll OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
msdasqlr.dll OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers Resources
msdatl2.dll Microsoft OLE DB Implementation support library
msdatl3.dll OLE DB Implementation Support Routines
msdatt.dll OLE DB Temporary Table Services
msdaurl.dll OLE DB RootBinder Stub
msdbrpt.dll Microsoft Data Report ActiveX Designer DLL Version 6.0 (SP4)
msdbrptr.dll Microsoft Data Report Runtime DLL Version 6.0 (SP4)
msdelta.dll Microsoft Patch Engine
msderun.dll Microsoft Data Environment Runtime
msdfmap.dll Data Factory Handler
msdia80.dll Microsoft® Debug Information Accessor
msdmeng.dll Microsoft Data Mining Engine
msdmine.dll Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Data Mining Services