Microsoft Corporation DLL-tiedostot

iconcodecservice.dll Converts a PNG part of the icon to a legacy bmp icon iconlib.dll Icon Library
icsfiltr.dll Windows Calendar IFilter icsigd.dll Internet Gateway Device properties
icsvc.dll Virtual Machine Integration Component Service icwdl.dll Téléchargement multipartie MIME du service Internet
icwconn.dll Internet Connection Wizard icwdial.dll Automatisk uppringning för guiden Internetanslutning
icwhelp.dll Internet Connection Wizard Helper functions icwphbk.dll Guiden Internetanslutning
icwres.dll Assistant Connexion Internet icwutil.dll Internet Connection Wizard
idctrls.dll Identity Controls idle.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Idle Component
idlisten.dll Identity Listener idndl.dll Downlevel DLL
idq.dll ISAPtillägg för indexeringstjänsten idstore.dll Identity Store
idtsec.dll IdtechHidMsr ieadvpack.dll ADVPACK
ieakeng.dll Internet Explorer Administration Kit Engine Library ieaksie.dll Internet Explorer Snapin Extension to Group Policy
ieakui.dll Microsoft IEAK Shared UI DLL ieapfltr.dll Microsoft SmartScreen Filter
ieawsdc.dll Microsoft Office 2013 component iecont.dll Microsoft Internet Explorer Contacts
iecontlc.dll Microsoft Internet Explorer Contacts resources iecustom.dll DLL de Instalação do Internet Explorer
iedkcs32.dll IEAK branding ieencode.dll Microsoft Character Encoder
ieetwcollectorres.dll IE ETW Collector Service Resources ieetwproxystub.dll IE ETW Collector Proxy Stub Resources
ieexecremote.dll Microsoft IE Remote shell ieframe.dll Internet Browser
iehost.dll Microsoft IE hosting interface ienpstub.dll Network provider delay load stub
iepeers.dll Internet Explorer Peer Objects ieproxy.dll IE ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
iernonce.dll Extended RunOnce processing with UI iertutil.dll Run time utility for Internet Explorer
iesetup.dll IOD Version Map ieshims.dll Internet Explorer Compatibility Shims
iesysprep.dll IE Sysprep Provider ieui.dll Internet Explorer UI Engine
ifmon.dll IF Monitor DLL ifsutil.dll IFS Utility DLL
ifsutilx.dll IFS Utility Extension DLL igddiag.dll IGD Helper Class
iconcodecservice.dll Converts a PNG part of the icon to a legacy bmp icon
iconlib.dll Icon Library
icsfiltr.dll Windows Calendar IFilter
icsigd.dll Internet Gateway Device properties
icsvc.dll Virtual Machine Integration Component Service
icwdl.dll Téléchargement multipartie MIME du service Internet
icwconn.dll Internet Connection Wizard
icwdial.dll Automatisk uppringning för guiden Internetanslutning
icwhelp.dll Internet Connection Wizard Helper functions
icwphbk.dll Guiden Internetanslutning
icwres.dll Assistant Connexion Internet
icwutil.dll Internet Connection Wizard
idctrls.dll Identity Controls
idle.dll Microsoft(R) Visual C++ Idle Component
idlisten.dll Identity Listener
idndl.dll Downlevel DLL
idq.dll ISAPtillägg för indexeringstjänsten
idstore.dll Identity Store
idtsec.dll IdtechHidMsr
ieadvpack.dll ADVPACK
ieakeng.dll Internet Explorer Administration Kit Engine Library
ieaksie.dll Internet Explorer Snapin Extension to Group Policy
ieakui.dll Microsoft IEAK Shared UI DLL
ieapfltr.dll Microsoft SmartScreen Filter
ieawsdc.dll Microsoft Office 2013 component
iecont.dll Microsoft Internet Explorer Contacts
iecontlc.dll Microsoft Internet Explorer Contacts resources
iecustom.dll DLL de Instalação do Internet Explorer
iedkcs32.dll IEAK branding
ieencode.dll Microsoft Character Encoder
ieetwcollectorres.dll IE ETW Collector Service Resources
ieetwproxystub.dll IE ETW Collector Proxy Stub Resources
ieexecremote.dll Microsoft IE Remote shell
ieframe.dll Internet Browser
iehost.dll Microsoft IE hosting interface
ienpstub.dll Network provider delay load stub
iepeers.dll Internet Explorer Peer Objects
ieproxy.dll IE ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library
iernonce.dll Extended RunOnce processing with UI
iertutil.dll Run time utility for Internet Explorer
iesetup.dll IOD Version Map
ieshims.dll Internet Explorer Compatibility Shims
iesysprep.dll IE Sysprep Provider
ieui.dll Internet Explorer UI Engine
ifmon.dll IF Monitor DLL
ifsutil.dll IFS Utility DLL
ifsutilx.dll IFS Utility Extension DLL
igddiag.dll IGD Helper Class