Archivos DLL de la Microsoft Corporation
spopk.dll | OPK Sysprep Plugin | sporder.dll | WinSock2 reorder service providers |
spp.dll | Microsoft® Windows Shared Protection Point Library | sppc.dll | Software Licensing Client Dll |
sppcc.dll | Software Licensing Commerce Client | sppcext.dll | Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll |
sppcomapi.dll | Software Licensing Library | sppcommdlg.dll | Software Licensing UI API |
sppinst.dll | SPP CMI Installer Plugin DLL | sppmig.dll | SPP migration plugin DLL |
sppnp.dll | PnP module of SysPrep | sppobjs.dll | Software Protection Platform Plugins |
spprgrss.dll | Setup Progress Framework | sppuinotify.dll | SPP Notification Service |
sppwinob.dll | Software Protection Platform Windows Plugin | sppwmi.dll | Software Protection Platform WMI provider |
spra0402.dll | Service Pack 1 Messages | spsreng.dll | Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine |
spsrx.dll | Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine Extensions | sptip.dll | Speech TIP |
spttseng.dll | SAPI 5 | spwinsat.dll | WinSAT Sysprep Plugin |
spwizeng.dll | Setup Wizard Framework | spwizimg.dll | Setup Wizard Framework Resources |
spwizres.dll | Setup Wizard Framework Resources | spwizui.dll | SPC Wizard UI |
spwmp.dll | Windows Media Player System Preparation DLL | sqlboot.dll | SQL Server Edition Settings Library |
sqlcecompact40.dll | Database Repair Tool (32bit) | sqlceme35.dll | Managed Extensions (32bit) |
sqlceoledb30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile | sqlceoledb40.dll | OLEDB Provider (32bit) |
sqlceqp30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile | sqlceqp40.dll | Query Processor (64bit) |
sqlcese30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile | sqlcese40.dll | Storage Engine (32bit) |
sqlconf.dll | SQL Server Configuration Library | sqldmo.dll | Distributed Management Objects OLE DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager |
sqlmmc.dll | SQLMMC SQL Snapin for Microsoft Management Console | sqlncli11.dll | Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 |
sqloledb.dll | OLE DB Provider for SQL Server | sqlresld.dll | SQL Enterprise Manager Resource DLL Loader |
sqlserverspatial110.dll | SQL Server Spatial Library | sqlserverspatial140.dll | SQL Server Spatial Library |
sqlspars.dll | SQL Setup | sqlsrv32.dll | Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver |
sqlsut.dll | SQL Setup Utility DLL | sqlunirl.dll | String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components |
spopk.dll | OPK Sysprep Plugin |
sporder.dll | WinSock2 reorder service providers |
spp.dll | Microsoft® Windows Shared Protection Point Library |
sppc.dll | Software Licensing Client Dll |
sppcc.dll | Software Licensing Commerce Client |
sppcext.dll | Software Protection Platform Client Extension Dll |
sppcomapi.dll | Software Licensing Library |
sppcommdlg.dll | Software Licensing UI API |
sppinst.dll | SPP CMI Installer Plugin DLL |
sppmig.dll | SPP migration plugin DLL |
sppnp.dll | PnP module of SysPrep |
sppobjs.dll | Software Protection Platform Plugins |
spprgrss.dll | Setup Progress Framework |
sppuinotify.dll | SPP Notification Service |
sppwinob.dll | Software Protection Platform Windows Plugin |
sppwmi.dll | Software Protection Platform WMI provider |
spra0402.dll | Service Pack 1 Messages |
spsreng.dll | Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine |
spsrx.dll | Microsoft Speech Recognition Engine Extensions |
sptip.dll | Speech TIP |
spttseng.dll | SAPI 5 |
spwinsat.dll | WinSAT Sysprep Plugin |
spwizeng.dll | Setup Wizard Framework |
spwizimg.dll | Setup Wizard Framework Resources |
spwizres.dll | Setup Wizard Framework Resources |
spwizui.dll | SPC Wizard UI |
spwmp.dll | Windows Media Player System Preparation DLL |
sqlboot.dll | SQL Server Edition Settings Library |
sqlcecompact40.dll | Database Repair Tool (32bit) |
sqlceme35.dll | Managed Extensions (32bit) |
sqlceoledb30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile |
sqlceoledb40.dll | OLEDB Provider (32bit) |
sqlceqp30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile |
sqlceqp40.dll | Query Processor (64bit) |
sqlcese30.dll | Microsoft SQL Mobile |
sqlcese40.dll | Storage Engine (32bit) |
sqlconf.dll | SQL Server Configuration Library |
sqldmo.dll | Distributed Management Objects OLE DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager |
sqlmmc.dll | SQLMMC SQL Snapin for Microsoft Management Console |
sqlncli11.dll | Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 |
sqloledb.dll | OLE DB Provider for SQL Server |
sqlresld.dll | SQL Enterprise Manager Resource DLL Loader |
sqlserverspatial110.dll | SQL Server Spatial Library |
sqlserverspatial140.dll | SQL Server Spatial Library |
sqlspars.dll | SQL Setup |
sqlsrv32.dll | Microsoft SQL Server ODBC Driver |
sqlsut.dll | SQL Setup Utility DLL |
sqlunirl.dll | String Function .DLL for SQL Enterprise Components |