Microsoft Corporation DLL Soubory
workfoldersgpext.dll | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Group Policy Client Extension | workfoldersres.dll | Work Folders Resources |
workfoldersshell.dll | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension | workfolderssvc.dll | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Service |
wow32.dll | Wow32 | wow64.dll | Win32 Emulation on NT64 |
wow64cpu.dll | AMD64 Wow64 CPU | wow64win.dll | Wow64 Console and Win32 API Logging |
wowfax.dll | Windows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL | wowfaxui.dll | UIDLL för Windows 3.1kompatibel faxdrivrutin |
wpaxholder.dll | WPAXHolder | wpc.dll | WPC Settings Library |
wpcao.dll | WPC Administrator Override | wpccpl.dll | Parental Controls Control Panel |
wpcmig.dll | Windows Parental Controls Migration | wpcmigration.dll | Family Safety Migration |
wpcsvc.dll | WPC Filtering Service | wpcumi.dll | Windows Parental Controls Notifications |
wpcwebfilter.dll | WpcWebFilter.dll | wpcwebsync.dll | Family Safety Web Synchronization Library |
wpd_ci.dll | Driver Setup Class Installer for Windows Portable Devices | wpdbusenum.dll | Portable Device Enumerator |
wpdcomp.dll | Windows Portable Device Composite Driver | wpdfs.dll | Windows Portable Device File System Driver |
wpdmtp.dll | MTP core protocol component | wpdmtpbt.dll | Bluetooth transport layer for MTP driver |
wpdmtpdr.dll | Windows Portable Device Media Transfer Protocol Driver | wpdmtpip.dll | IP transport layer for MTP driver |
wpdmtpus.dll | Usbscan transport layer for MTP driver | wpdshext.dll | Portable Devices Shell Extension |
wpdshserviceobj.dll | Windows Portable Device Shell Service Object | wpdsp.dll | WMDM Service Provider for Windows Portable Devices |
wpdwcn.dll | Windows Portable Device WCN Wizard | wpfgfx_v0400.dll | wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
wpnapps.dll | Windows Push Notification Apps | wpncore.dll | Windows Push Notification Core |
wpninprc.dll | Windows Push Notification InProc | wpnprv.dll | Windows Push Notification Platform Connection Provider |
wpnservice.dll | Windows Push Notification System Service | wpnsruprov.dll | SRUM provider for WPN |
ws2_32.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 32Bit DLL | ws2help.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |
wscapi.dll | Windows Security Center API | wscinterop.dll | Windows Health Center WSC Interop |
wscisvif.dll | Windows Security Center ISV API | wsclient.dll | Windows Store Licensing Client |
wscmisetup.dll | Installers for Winsock Transport and Name Space Providers | wscntfy.dll | Windows Security Center Notification App |
workfoldersgpext.dll | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Group Policy Client Extension |
workfoldersres.dll | Work Folders Resources |
workfoldersshell.dll | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension |
workfolderssvc.dll | Microsoft (C) Work Folders Service |
wow32.dll | Wow32 |
wow64.dll | Win32 Emulation on NT64 |
wow64cpu.dll | AMD64 Wow64 CPU |
wow64win.dll | Wow64 Console and Win32 API Logging |
wowfax.dll | Windows 3.1 Compatible Fax Driver DLL |
wowfaxui.dll | UIDLL för Windows 3.1kompatibel faxdrivrutin |
wpaxholder.dll | WPAXHolder |
wpc.dll | WPC Settings Library |
wpcao.dll | WPC Administrator Override |
wpccpl.dll | Parental Controls Control Panel |
wpcmig.dll | Windows Parental Controls Migration |
wpcmigration.dll | Family Safety Migration |
wpcsvc.dll | WPC Filtering Service |
wpcumi.dll | Windows Parental Controls Notifications |
wpcwebfilter.dll | WpcWebFilter.dll |
wpcwebsync.dll | Family Safety Web Synchronization Library |
wpd_ci.dll | Driver Setup Class Installer for Windows Portable Devices |
wpdbusenum.dll | Portable Device Enumerator |
wpdcomp.dll | Windows Portable Device Composite Driver |
wpdfs.dll | Windows Portable Device File System Driver |
wpdmtp.dll | MTP core protocol component |
wpdmtpbt.dll | Bluetooth transport layer for MTP driver |
wpdmtpdr.dll | Windows Portable Device Media Transfer Protocol Driver |
wpdmtpip.dll | IP transport layer for MTP driver |
wpdmtpus.dll | Usbscan transport layer for MTP driver |
wpdshext.dll | Portable Devices Shell Extension |
wpdshserviceobj.dll | Windows Portable Device Shell Service Object |
wpdsp.dll | WMDM Service Provider for Windows Portable Devices |
wpdwcn.dll | Windows Portable Device WCN Wizard |
wpfgfx_v0400.dll | wpfgfx_v0400.dll |
wpnapps.dll | Windows Push Notification Apps |
wpncore.dll | Windows Push Notification Core |
wpninprc.dll | Windows Push Notification InProc |
wpnprv.dll | Windows Push Notification Platform Connection Provider |
wpnservice.dll | Windows Push Notification System Service |
wpnsruprov.dll | SRUM provider for WPN |
ws2_32.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 32Bit DLL |
ws2help.dll | Windows Socket 2.0 Helper for Windows NT |
wscapi.dll | Windows Security Center API |
wscinterop.dll | Windows Health Center WSC Interop |
wscisvif.dll | Windows Security Center ISV API |
wsclient.dll | Windows Store Licensing Client |
wscmisetup.dll | Installers for Winsock Transport and Name Space Providers |
wscntfy.dll | Windows Security Center Notification App |