Microsoft Corporation DLL Soubory
adprovider.dll | adprovider DLL | adptif.dll | IPX Interface via WinSock |
adrclient.dll | Microsoft® Access Denied Remediation Client | adsiedit.dll | ADSI Edit |
adsiis51.dll | ADs IIS Provider DLL | adsldp.dll | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
adsldpc.dll | ADs LDAP Provider C DLL | adsmsext.dll | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
adsnds.dll | DLLfil för ADs NDS | adsnt.dll | ADs Windows NT Provider DLL |
adsnw.dll | ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL | adtschema.dll | Security Audit Schema DLL |
advancedemojids.dll | AdvancedEmojiDS.DYNLINK"" | advapi32.dll | Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
advapi32res.dll | Advanced Windows 32 Base API | advpack.dll | ADVPACK |
adwsmigrate.dll | Active Directory Web Services migration plugin | aecache.dll | AECache Sysprep Plugin |
aeevts.dll | Application Experience Event Resources | aeinv.dll | Application Experience Program Inventory Component |
aelupsvc.dll | Application Experience Service | aepdu.dll | Program Compatibility Data Updater |
aepic.dll | Application Experience Program Cache | aeproam.dll | Association Endpoint(AEP) Roaming Monitor and Handler |
agcore.dll | Microsoft agcore dll | agentanm.dll | Microsoft Character Animation Player |
agentctl.dll | Microsoft Agent Control | agentdp2.dll | Microsoft Character Animation Data Provider |
agentdpv.dll | Microsoft Agent Data Provider | agentmpx.dll | Microsoft Agent Custom Marshaling Proxy DLL |
agentpsh.dll | Microsoft Agent Property Sheet Handler | agentsr.dll | Microsoft Agent Speech Recognition Support DLL |
agt040d.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt0401.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0404.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt0405.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0406.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt0407.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0408.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt0409.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt040b.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt040c.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt040e.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt041d.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0410.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt0411.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0412.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll | agt0413.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
adprovider.dll | adprovider DLL |
adptif.dll | IPX Interface via WinSock |
adrclient.dll | Microsoft® Access Denied Remediation Client |
adsiedit.dll | ADSI Edit |
adsiis51.dll | ADs IIS Provider DLL |
adsldp.dll | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
adsldpc.dll | ADs LDAP Provider C DLL |
adsmsext.dll | ADs LDAP Provider DLL |
adsnds.dll | DLLfil för ADs NDS |
adsnt.dll | ADs Windows NT Provider DLL |
adsnw.dll | ADs Netware 3.12 Provider DLL |
adtschema.dll | Security Audit Schema DLL |
advancedemojids.dll | AdvancedEmojiDS.DYNLINK"" |
advapi32.dll | Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
advapi32res.dll | Advanced Windows 32 Base API |
advpack.dll | ADVPACK |
adwsmigrate.dll | Active Directory Web Services migration plugin |
aecache.dll | AECache Sysprep Plugin |
aeevts.dll | Application Experience Event Resources |
aeinv.dll | Application Experience Program Inventory Component |
aelupsvc.dll | Application Experience Service |
aepdu.dll | Program Compatibility Data Updater |
aepic.dll | Application Experience Program Cache |
aeproam.dll | Association Endpoint(AEP) Roaming Monitor and Handler |
agcore.dll | Microsoft agcore dll |
agentanm.dll | Microsoft Character Animation Player |
agentctl.dll | Microsoft Agent Control |
agentdp2.dll | Microsoft Character Animation Data Provider |
agentdpv.dll | Microsoft Agent Data Provider |
agentmpx.dll | Microsoft Agent Custom Marshaling Proxy DLL |
agentpsh.dll | Microsoft Agent Property Sheet Handler |
agentsr.dll | Microsoft Agent Speech Recognition Support DLL |
agt040d.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0401.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0404.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0405.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0406.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0407.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0408.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0409.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt040b.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt040c.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt040e.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt041d.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0410.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0411.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0412.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |
agt0413.dll | Microsoft Agent International Dll |